~ Warning! Minor Spoilers! Book Review: Bride by – Ali Hazelwood [2024] ~


I have read everything Ali Hazelwood has published. I know there are complaints that she writes the same stories, but they work for me, and I love them. After traditionally publishing only contemporaries, I was excited for Ali Hazelwood’s first venture into paranormal romance.

In Bride, vampires, werewolves, and humans live together but not peacefully. In order to form an alliance, Misery Lark, daughter of a vampire high council member, must marry a werewolf alpha, Lowe Moreland. Misery agrees to this arranged marriage, hoping to find her missing human foster sister, Serena, since Misery thinks Serena’s disappearance has something to do with Lowe.    

I listened to the book in audio format, so my spelling may be incorrect. I am double-checking it with the Goodreads synopsis. I notice that it’s capitalized Vampyres and shortened to Weres. However, these unique spellings throw me off and are not necessary so that I will keep with the traditional spelling. ~Sorry not sorry~  

Before reading Bride, I watched Youtuber Cindy’s book review, and she mentioned knotting. I was shocked at how deep into the Omegaverse this novel might venture. Truthfully, it’s only a brief mention of knotting; it wasn’t as bad or descriptive as I had imagined.

I have a long list of shows to watch, so I wanted to keep this review short so I can go back to binge-watching. I loved Bride; it was a fun read. The chemistry was passionate and hot. Although the twist about who the evil mastermind is was easy to figure out, I’m glad the story had political intrigue mixed in with the romance. The concept of collateral and Misery’s childhood was intriguing. The miscommunication in the latter half was a little irksome, but overall, I greatly enjoyed Bride. All in all, Bride was entertaining: 4/5.